Monday, August 20, 2012

DIY: Flower Magnets

These magnets are great for making lockers, fridges, or any magnetic surface prettier and more exciting. I went to Michaels Craft store and got everything I needed to make two magnets for a total of five dollars.
-Glue gun
-magnet roll ($1 at Michaels)
-Fake Flowers ($1.99 at Michaels)

1.) Take the stem out of the flower
2.) Cut magnets to fit onto the middle of the flower
3.) Peel off the white magnet backing on sticky magnets
4.) Hot glue the magnets to the back of the flower. Note: The more magnets you glue onto the flower the better the flower magnet will stick to your magnetic surface. I layered my magnets on top of eachother.

-Ash xx :)

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